And at the Top Sits a Spring

Rattlesnake Lodge Trail, Asheville, NC

After months away

The high woods welcome me

With a beckoning breeze

And an open trail


Courses through my blood

Deeeeeep breath in

And the sigh

I have longed to sigh for weeks

Escapes my lungs

Peaks of rolling green

Visible beyond the trees

A vireo sings



Push up the path

For eight months,

I saw nary a hill

And here I am now

Gleefully scaling a mountain

Utterly out of breath

Yet the peace of the wind soothes my soul

I’ve written a poem like this

Hundreds of times now

And each one

Feels like the first

Past the remains of an old lodge

A wooden signpost points the way

I am the fuck out of breath

Lugging someone’s plastic toothpick up a never-ending hill

Removing a stain

Is the least I can do

And at the top sits a spring

Laden in old stone

And heavy moss

Springs are such welcome surprises

But I dare not take a sip

It is



So many holy places

On this trail alone

I want to fall to my broken knee

And melt into the world around me

Not out of desperation this time

But of pure love and belonging

A desire

To become


Loud steps

Moving in the thick of the rhododendron

I can’t place the creature

Is it a bear, I wonder?

Two steps at a time



Pan, perhaps

Here in this sylvan spot

Wild gods are such welcome surprises

A bird dives in and out of

A pool of water below the spring

Bird baths are such welcome surprises

I pay the toll

Through a mosquito bite

Just above my left eyebrow

Non-Floridian mosquito bites are such welcome surprises

I can’t melt into the ground to become the forest around me

But I can feed it just the same

168BPM to get here

And my ears are on fire

It is all so


But not silent

Never silent next to a spring

I have drunk from the deep coffers of calm

An emerald hummingbird flutters by

And I am home


Tree Bones


90s x pollinators