Joy Among the Din

Hunter’s Creek


Let your feet

Purge the wrongs of empire

Into the ground

Into the soil.

Do not fear that you are giving something toxic;

At least you are giving.

Give your troubles to the Earth

For she will take them

Absorb them

Transmute them

Into something wonderful.

She’ll give that energy to the robins

To sing their songs.

Let their notes ring through you.

Of course you would hear the resonance of the wood thrush now

She is listening

And you merely stopped to listen

To reciprocate.

There is joy beyond your thoughts.

Do not expect to right the wrongs of empire

In a single project

Or even a single lifetime.

To expect to do so

Is to fall prey to the trappings of empire.

Just as the thrush

Sings through the sound of an airplane

You must find ways to sing

Determined to find joy

Among the din.


Some of My Best Friends


Crows, Dead Moles, and Satan’s Toes