Japanese Knotweed
Franklin Gulf
How am I to hold love for you
When you choke out all that I love?
You flourish
At the expense
Of others.
You do not create habitat
For the wildlife that I love.
But I’m sure
In your native land
You do.
Are you homesick?
Do you miss the companions
Who kept you in check?
And are you just
Trying to find new ones
You were likely kept in balance
Back home
Until another being
Another spirit
Now you’re lost
And prolific.
What can we learn from you
As you take over?
You seem
Like humans
To be determined
But when moved out of balance
Your inner demons take over
And you spread
Maybe we are possessed
By the same spirit
The one that causes us to spread
And to destroy
Without balance
Or care
Or love.
Do you love?
Do you care?
I think that
You do.